Eric Jones

A 28 year old nerd and photographer figuring out his place on this giant spinning rock we call Earth.

Hey there, I’m Eric 👋🏼 👨🏼‍💻

Welcome to my little home on the Internet! Feel free to come on in, kick back, and stay a while!

Check out my tech endeavors.

I’m just a hobbyist programmer and tinkerer - I love putting together stuff that ranges from home servers to automating everyday tasks. If it’s going make life a bit better and free up my brain for other cool ideas, I’m all in!

My Relationship with Writing

I find a lot of value in reading about others’ life experiences - be it in the areas of technology, random musings, mental health, or even mundane accounts. So instead of just always reading, I thought I’d try my hand at sharing my own. Maybe they’ll resonate with someone out there, just like others’ have with me.

Painting with Light as Therapy

I got into photography back in high school and fell in love with it. I even studied it in college, but trying to turn it into a career kind of sucked the joy out of it for me. Since then, I’ve been trying to bring it back into my life more as a therapeutic tool - help calm and slow down my ever racing mind.